Elected: 13 March 2013
Successor to St Peter: 266
Age at Election: 76
Nationality: Argentina
Name: Jorge Mario Bergoglio
On the Light of Faith
Encyclical Letter (29 June 2013)
The first Encyclical in Church history written by two Popes:
Francis and Benedict XVI.
"The light of Faith: this is how the Church’s tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus. In John’s Gospel, Christ says of himself: 'I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness' (Jn 12:46). . . . There is an urgent need to see once again that faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim. The light of faith is unique, since it is capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence. A light this powerful cannot come from ourselves but from a more primordial source: in a word, it must come from God."
"These considerations on faith . . . are meant to supplement what Benedict XVI had written in his encyclical letters on charity and hope. He himself had almost completed a first draft of an encyclical on faith. For this I am deeply grateful to him, and as his brother in Christ I have taken up his fine work and added a few contributions of my own."