Coronavirus Resources
Spiritual Resources
​Here are some suggestions for spiritual devotion and prayer, especially if unable to attend Mass:
Resources for children / teenagers / young adults from Church at Home. 19th April.
Watch a video message from Canon Jason Jones from the Menevia Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy at the Sacred Heart Church, Morriston. Here he explains why we need the image of Divine Mercy in our homes, and gives a special blessing. 30th March.
Watch the Pope give a special "Urbi et Orbi" blessing from St Peters 27th March.
Additional Prayers for a time of flu and illness.
Pray a novena created for this pandemic. This starts as a group prayer on March 20th, but can be started anytime.
Watch Mass on media such as EWTN, Mass-Online or Vatican YouTube; or join the new YouTube channel from our neighbouring parish of St David & St Patrick, Haverfordwest, where Fathers Liam and Matt will be streaming Sunday mass at 10am. Additional content such as Stations of the Cross and Daily 9am Mass to follow.
Follow the daily readings using the Universalis section on our website's homepage.
Use this time for spiritual growth, with resources such as the St Paul Center's Quarantined Catholic Hub. They have enabled free access to the video bible study course by Dr Scott Hahn called "The Eucharist in Scripture", and they already have a free podcast available called The Road to Emmaus.
Make an act of Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.
I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever.
Join in on-line Perpetual Adoration, such as this from the Benedictine nuns of Perpetual Adoration at Tyburn Convent, London.
Pastoral Advice
The Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales also recommends some practical steps in their guidelines (version 4, 12/03/2020) to limit the spread of infection, and to protect the most vulnerable in our parishes.
Note that as of 18th March we have effectively moved from Stage 2 to Stage 3: the suspension of public worship. Read the Coronavirus Update and the video message from Cardinal Nicholls, from the 18th March.
On the 20th March, the Vatican issued a decree granting plenary indulgences to “the faithful suffering from the Covid-19 virus, commonly known as coronavirus, as well as to healthcare workers, family members and all those who in any capacity, including through prayer, care for them.”
In this short video from Cardinal Vincent Nichols, he talks about how this Holy Week and Easter will look different from any other - this year we must express our sorrow for our sins in a different way and make a 'spiritual communion' instead. His words encourage us to remember that it is God's mercy we trust in at all times, even when getting to Confession and Holy Communion are impossible.
General Advice
In our​ parish and wider community, please remember the general published advice:
frequent and effective hand washing
catch coughs and sneezes in disposable tissues
throw away used tissues
avoid touching your face
self-isolate with fever of 38'C or a new, dry, persistent cough
avoid close contact with those that are unwell, unless self-isolating with your household
practice social distancing as appropriate.